Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries - Invited Talks - Events


  • Christian Duriez teached:

    • FEM (32h) at the ICAM school in Lille,

    • real-time simulation (20h - Image Visualization and Interaction MASTER 2 Lille1).

  • Jeremie Dequidt teached:

    • Programming in C (44h - Polytech Lille),

    • Advanced Programming (14h - Polytech Lille),

    • Introduction to Android (6h - Polytech Lille),

    • Computation Theory (24h - Polytech Lille),

    • Collision Detection (4h - Master2 Univ Lille 1).

  • Alexandre Bilger was the supervisor of an intern at Tohoku University,

  • Zhifan Jiang teached:

    • Programming in C (32h - Polytech Lille),

    • Introduction to Database (17.76h Polytech Lille).


  • Séphane Cotin supervised:

    • PhD : Alexandre Bilger, Patient-Specific Biomechanical Simulation for Deep Brain Stimulation, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, December 2014,

    • PhD : Hugo Talbot, Interactive Patient-Specific Simulation of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, July 2014,

    • PhD : Ahmed Yureidini, Robust Blood Vessel Surface Reconstruction for Interactive Simulations from Patient Data, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, May 2014,

    • PhD in progress : Christoph Paulus (co-supervision),

    • PhD in progress : Rosalie Plantefève (co-supervision).

  • Christian Duriez supervised:

    • PhD : Guillaume Kazmitcheff, Minimal Invasive Robotics dedicated to Otological Surgery, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, June 2014,

    • PhD (co-supervision) : Alexandre Bilger, Patient-Specific Biomechanical Simulation for Deep Brain Stimulation, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, May 2014,

    • PhD in progress : Julien Bosman,

    • PhD in progress : Frédérick Largililière,

    • PhD in progress : Zhifan Jiang.

  • Jeremie Dequidt co-supervised the PhD in progress of Nazim Haouchine.


  • Stéphane Cotin was in the examination committee of:

    • the PhD of Elsa Flechon (as president of the jury),

    • the PhD of Christian Herlin (as reviewer).

  • Stéphane Cotin participated in the evaluation of LIRIS lab (December 2014).

  • Christian Duriez was member of the jury of:

    • the PhD of Hugo Talbot (as invited member),

    • the PhD of Coralie Escande (as reviewer),

    • the PhD of Xavier Faure (as reviewer),

    • the PhD of Achille Melingui (as president of the jury).

  • Jeremie Dequidt was

    • invited member in the PhD jury of Ahmed Yureidini,

    • jury member of the Android Competition for EESTEC

Invited talks

Séphane Cotin has been invited speaker:

  • at the Advanced Laparoscopy and Computer Vision group (ISIT, UMR 6284 CNRS, Clermont Ferrand, France),

  • at winter school (Medical Robotics, March 2014, Strasbourg, France),

  • at summer school (July 2014, Design and Development of Medical Training Systems, Lyon, France).

Christian Duriez has been invited speaker:

  • at JRL (AIST Lab) Tsukuba in October 2013,

  • at BIRDS Workshop in February 2014,

  • at Festo Company in march 2014,

  • at ICRA workshop on Soft Robots in June 2014.

Special events

This year, Stéphane Cotin, team leader of the team, became research director DR1 and Christian Duriez got a position of research director during the competitive evaluation of spring 2014. Congratulations to them !

Christian Duriez also created a new research team: DEFROST working around the soft robotics: model, simulation, control and software.

Jeremie Dequidt was the team Leader of RBQT (from Polytech Lille), which has been involved in two major competitions (German Open Cup and World Cup in Brazil). Jeremie was also nvolved in the organization of the robotic competition for primary schools (CREP: *Coupe de Robotique des Ecoles Primaires) which has gathered more than 300 kids in Polytech Lille.